South House Games

Campaign Setting Index => History and Cosmology

Elves and Dwarves

Elves and dwarves are conscious, immortal beings created directly by the Steward to inhabit every substance and living thing excepting humans within the galaxy. They have autonomy in action, but not in purpose. Once they discover what they are supposed to become, they feel compelled to do so in an irresistible way. They see and feel the world differently than humans, being aware of and having some control over the three elements. They cannot utilize Fire, negative or positive energy, however, they know of it and understand what it is.

An elf or dwarf can take control of a small number flora or fauna that contain its essence and direct their movements, though this is rare. If they became an "inert" substance, they can also take over local control of it, causing water or solid earth to move aside or shift unnaturally. There are limits to this power because they are a piece of an interconnected system and subject to the regulation of the Guardians. They are, in essence, a living feedback loop providing information on their slice of creation to the Guardians, allowing the three eldest to properly regulate the elements entering and leaving the planet.

There is one living dwarf, Ruhaddad, remaining and no known elves.